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Reddy T., Shorthouse D., Parton D.L, Jefferys E., Fowler P.W, Chavent M, Baaden M, Sansom M.S.  2015.  Nothing to sneeze at: a dynamic and integrative computational model of an influenza A virion. Structure. 23:584–597.
Cragnolini T., Doutreligne S., Baaden M, Derreumaux P, Pasquali S..  2015.  Predicting and exploring complex nucleic acids architectures through a coarse-grained model. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn.. 33 Suppl 1:30–31.
Cragnolini T., Doutreligne S., Baaden M, Derreumaux P, Pasquali S..  2015.  Predicting and exploring complex nucleic acids architectures through a coarse-grained model. Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics. 33:30–31.
Cubellis M.V, Baaden M, Andreotti G..  2015.  Taming molecular flexibility to tackle rare diseases. Biochimie. 113:54–58.
Perez S., Tubiana T., Imberty A., Baaden M.  2015.  Three-dimensional representations of complex carbohydrates and polysaccharides–SweetUnityMol: a video game-based computer graphic software. Glycobiology. 25:483–491.
Doutreligne S., Gageat C., Cragnolini T., Taly A, Pasquali S., Derreumaux P, Baaden M.  2015.  UnityMol: interactive and ludic visual manipulation of coarse-grained RNA and other biomolecules. Virtual and Augmented Reality for Molecular Science (VARMS@IEEEVR), 2015 IEEE 1st International Workshop on. :1–6.
Kozlikova B, Krone M, Lindow N, Falk M, Baaden M, Baum D, Viola I, Parulek J, Hege H-C.  2015.  Visualization of Biomolecular Structures: State of the Art. Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) - STARs.
Trellet M., Férey N, Baaden M, Bourdot P..  2014.  Content-guided Navigation in Multimeric Molecular Complexes. {BIOIMAGING} 2014 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioimaging, ESEO, Angers, Loire Valley, France, 3-6 March, 2014. :76–81.
Wang M., Baaden M, Wang J., Liang Z..  2014.  A cooperative mechanism of clotrimazoles in P450 revealed by the dissociation picture of clotrimazole from P450. J. Chem. Inf. Model.. 54:1218–1225.
Dreher M, Prevoteau-Jonquet J, Trellet M, Piuzzi M, Baaden M, Raffin B, Férey N, Robert S, Limet S..  2014.  ExaViz: a flexible framework to analyse, steer and interact with molecular dynamics simulations. Faraday Discuss.. 169:119–142.
Hénin J, Baaden M, Taly A.  2014.  Foundations of Biomolecular Simulations: A Critical Introduction to Homology Modeling, Molecular Dynamics Simulations, and Free Energy Calculations of Membrane Proteins. Membrane Proteins Production for Structural Analysis. :347–392.
Molza A.E, Férey N, Czjzek M, Le Rumeur E, Hubert J.F, Tek A, Laurent B, Baaden M, Delalande O..  2014.  Innovative interactive flexible docking method for multi-scale reconstruction elucidates dystrophin molecular assembly. Faraday Discuss.. 169:45–62.
Hirst J.D, Glowacki D.R, Baaden M.  2014.  Molecular simulations and visualization: introduction and overview. Faraday Discuss.. 169:9–22.
Oteri F, Baaden M, Lojou E, Sacquin-Mora S.  2014.  Multiscale Simulations Give Insight into the Hydrogen In and Out Pathways of [NiFe]-Hydrogenases from Aquifex aeolicus and Desulfovibrio fructosovorans. J. Phys. Chem. B. 118:13800–13811.
Sterpone F., Melchionna S., Tuffery P, Pasquali S., Mousseau N., Cragnolini T., Chebaro Y, St-Pierre J.-F., Kalimeri M., Barducci A. et al..  2014.  The OPEP protein model: from single molecules, amyloid formation, crowding and hydrodynamics to DNA/RNA systems. Chem. Soc. Rev.. 43:4871–4893.
Oteri F, Ciaccafava A, Poulpiquet A, Baaden M, Lojou E, Sacquin-Mora S.  2014.  The weak, fluctuating, dipole moment of membrane-bound hydrogenase from Aquifex aeolicus accounts for its adaptability to charged electrodes. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.. 16:11318–11322.
Doutreligne S., Cragnolini T., Pasquali S., Derreumaux P, Baaden M.  2014.  UnityMol: Interactive scientific visualization for integrative biology. Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 2014 IEEE 4th Symposium on. :109–110.
Baaden M, Marrink S.J.  2013.  Coarse-grain modelling of protein-protein interactions. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol.. 23:878–886.
Parton D.L, Tek A., Baaden M, Sansom M.S.  2013.  Formation of raft-like assemblies within clusters of influenza hemagglutinin observed by MD simulations. Plos Comput. Biol.. 9:e1003034.
Lv Z., Tek A., Da Silva F., Empereur-mot C., Chavent M, Baaden M.  2013.  Game on, science - how video game technology may help biologists tackle visualization challenges. Plos One. 8:e57990.
Dreher M., Piuzzi M., Turki A., Chavent M, Baaden M, Férey N, Limet S., Raffin B., Robert S..  2013.  Interactive Molecular Dynamics: Scaling up to Large Systems.. Procedia Comput. Sci.. 18:20–29.
Tek A., Baaden M, Férey N, Bourdot P..  2013.  MANHaptic: A Haptic Adaptive Method for Precise Manipulation, Assembly \and Navigation. International Journal on Human Machine Interaction. 1:60–67.
Trellet M., Férey N, Baaden M, Bourdot P..  2013.  Navigation guidée par le contenu pour l'exploration moléculaire.. Actes de l'AFRV.
Sauguet L., Poitevin F., Murail S., Van Renterghem C., Moraga-Cid G., Malherbe L., Thompson A.W, Koehl P., Corringer P.J, Baaden M et al..  2013.  Structural basis for ion permeation mechanism in pentameric ligand-gated ion channels. Embo J.. 32:728–741.
Baaden M, Delarue M..  2013.  Structural basis for ion permeation in a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel revealed by x-ray crystallograph.
