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Journal Article
Nguyen PHoang, Tarus B, Derreumaux P.  2014.  Familial Alzheimer A2 V Mutation Reduces the Intrinsic Disorder and Completely Changes the Free Energy Landscape of the A beta 1-28 Monomer. J. Phys. Chem. B. 118:501–510.
Santini S., Wei G., Mousseau N., Derreumaux P.  2003.  Exploring the folding pathways of proteins through energy landscape sampling: Application to Alzheimer's beta-amyloid peptide. Internet Electron. J. Mol. Des.. 2:564–577.
Wei GH, Mousseau N, Derreumaux P.  2002.  Exploring the energy landscape of proteins: A characterization of the activation-relaxation technique. J. Chem. Phys.. 117:11379–11387.
Mousseau N, Derreumaux P.  2005.  Exploring the early steps of amyloid peptide aggregation by computers. Acc. Chem. Res.. 38:885–891.
Wei GH, Mousseau N, Derreumaux P.  2004.  Exploring the early steps of aggregation of amyloid-forming peptide KFFE. Journal of Physics-condensed Matter. 16:S5047-S5054.
Mousseau N, Derreumaux P.  2008.  Exploring energy landscapes of protein folding and aggregation. Front. Biosci.. 13:4495–4516.
Derreumaux P.  2001.  Evidence that the 127-164 region of prion proteins has two equi-energetic conformations with beta or alpha features. Biophys. J.. 81:1657–1665.
Kynast P, Derreumaux P, Strodel B.  2016.  Evaluation of the coarse-grained OPEP force field for protein-protein docking. Bmc Biophysics. 9
Dong X, Chen W, Mousseau N, Derreumaux P.  2008.  Energy landscapes of the monomer and dimer of the Alzheimer's peptide A beta(1-28). J. Chem. Phys.. 128:125108.
Nguyen PHoang, Derreumaux P, Stock G.  2009.  Energy Flow and Long-Range Correlations in Guanine-Binding Riboswitch: A Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study. J. Phys. Chem. B. 113:9340–9347.
da Silva FLuis Barro, Pasquali S, Derreumaux P, Dias LGustavo.  2016.  Electrostatics analysis of the mutational and pH effects of the N-terminal domain self-association of the major ampullate spidroin. Soft Matter. 12:5600–5612.
Li H, Luo Y, Derreumaux P, Wei G.  2010.  Effects of the RGTFEGKF Inhibitor on the Structures of the Transmembrane Fragment 70-86 of Glycophorin A: An All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Study. J. Phys. Chem. B. 114:1004–1009.
Lu Y, Wei G, Derreumaux P.  2011.  Effects of G33A and G33I Mutations on the Structures of Monomer and Dimer of the Amyloid-beta Fragment 29-42 by Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Simulations. J. Phys. Chem. B. 115:1282–1288.
Man VHoang, He X, Derreumaux P, Ji B, Xie X-Q, Nguyen PHoang, Wang J.  2019.  Effects of all-atom molecular mechanics force fields on amyloid peptide assembly: the case of aβ16–22 dimer. Journal of chemical theory and computation. 15:1440–1452.
Nguyen PHoang, Li MSuan, Derreumaux P.  2011.  Effects of all-atom force fields on amyloid oligomerization: replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations of the A beta(16-22) dimer and trimer. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.. 13:9778–9788.
Derreumaux P, VERGOTEN G.  1991.  EFFECT OF UREY-BRADLEY-SHIMANOUCHI FORCE-FIELD ON THE HARMONIC DYNAMICS OF PROTEINS. Proteins-structure Function and Genetics. 11:120–132.
Viet MHoang, Nguyen PHoang, Ngo STung, Li MSuan, Derreumaux P.  2013.  Effect of the Tottori Familial Disease Mutation (D7N) on the Monomers and Dimers of A beta(40) and A beta(42). Acs Chem. Neurosci.. 4:1446–1457.
Viet MHoang, Nguyen PHoang, Derreumaux P, Li MSuan.  2014.  Effect of the English Familial Disease Mutation (H6R) on the Monomers and Dimers of A beta 40 and A beta 42. Acs Chem. Neurosci.. 5:646–657.
Derreumaux P, Wei GH, Santini S, Mousseau NN.  2004.  Early steps of amyloid-petide oligomerisation explored by simulations. Neurobiol. Aging. 25:S143.
Laurent B, Chavent M, Cragnolini T, Dahl ACaroline E, Pasquali S, Derreumaux P, Sansom MSP, Baaden M.  2015.  Epock: rapid analysis of protein pocket dynamics. Bioinformatics. 31:1478–1480.
Cote S, Derreumaux P, Mousseau N.  2011.  Distinct Morphologies for Amyloid Beta Protein Monomer: A beta(1-40), A beta(1-42), and A beta(1-40)(D23N). J. Chem. Theory Comput.. 7:2584–2592.
Cote S, Laghaei R, Derreumaux P, Mousseau N.  2012.  Distinct Dimerization for Various Alloforms of the Amyloid-Beta Protein: A beta(1-40), A beta(1-42), and A beta(1-40)(D23N). J. Phys. Chem. B. 116:4043–4055.
Nguyen PHoang, Sterpone F, Pouplana R, Derreumaux P, Campanera JM.  2016.  Dimerization Mechanism of Alzheimer A beta(40) Peptides: The High Content of Intrapeptide-Stabilized Conformations in A2V and A2T Heterozygous Dimers Retards Amyloid Fibril Formation. J. Phys. Chem. B. 120:12111–12126.
Derreumaux P.  1997.  A diffusion process-controlled Monte Carlo method for finding the global energy minimum of a polypeptide chain .1. Formulation and test on a hexadecapeptide. J. Chem. Phys.. 106:5260–5270.
Tuffery P, Derreumaux P.  2005.  Dependency between consecutive local conformations helps assemble protein structures from secondary structures using Go potential and greedy algorithm. Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf.. 61:732–740.
