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Journal Article
Mazur AK, Sumpter BG, Noid DW.  2001.  Internal coordinate phase space analysis of macromolecular systems. Comput. Theor. Polym. Sci.. 11:35–47.
Mazur AK.  1999.  Internal correlations in minor groove profiles of experimental and computed B-DNA conformations. J. Mol. Biol.. 290:373–377.
Dorofeyev VE, Mazur AK.  1993.  Investigation of conformational equilibrium of polypeptides by internal coordinate stochastic dynamics: Met-enkephalin. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn.. 10:143–167.
Petukhov MG, Mazur AK, Elyakova LA.  1995.  Investigation of the conformational properties of a {$\beta$}-(1-3) branched {$\beta$}-(1-6) heptasacchardie elicitor and its analogues by internal coordinate stochastic dynamics. Carbohydr. Res.. 279:41–57.
Brovchenko I, Krukau A, Oleinikova A, Mazur AK.  2008.  Ion dynamics and water percolation effects in DNA polymorphism. J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 130:121–131.
Mazur AK.  2009.  Kinetic and thermodynamic DNA elasticity at micro- and mesoscopic scales. J. Phys. Chem. B. 113:2077–2089.
Mazur AK, Elyakova L.A.  1983.  Kinetics of glucose accumulation during depolimerization of polysaccharides by enzymes with different mechanisms of action. Mol. Biol.. 17:101–111.
Mazur AK.  2011.  Local elasticity of strained DNA studied by all-atom simulations. Phys. Rev. E. 84:021903.
Elyakova L.A, Mazur AK.  1982.  Mathematical modelling of endoglucanase-catalysed hydrolysis of a linear polysaccharide. Mol. Biol.. 16:499–510.
Mazur AK.  1984.  Mathematical models of depolymerization of amylose by alpha-amylases. Biopolymers. 23:1735–1756.
Mazur AK, Petukhov M.G, Elyakova L.A.  1988.  Model of spatial random movement of depolymerase when interacting with the substrate. Biophysics. 23:417–421.
Mazur AK.  2009.  Modeling DNA dynamics under steady deforming forces and torques. J. Chem. Theory Comput.. 5:2149–2157.
Petuhov M.G, Mazur AK.  1992.  Modeling of the possible binding modes of substrates in the active site of Taka-Amylase A. Mol. Biol.. 26:292–299.
Kozhemyako VB, Rebrikov DV, Lukyanov SA, Bogdanova EA, Marin A, Mazur AK, Kovalchuk SN, Agafonova EV, Sova VV, Elyakova LA et al..  2004.  Molecular cloning of a mollusk glucanase. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.. 137:169–178.
Mazur AK.  2001.  Molecular dynamics of minimal B-DNA. J. Comput. Chem.. 22:457–467.
Dorofeyev V.E, Mazur AK.  1991.  Molecular dynamics of polymers with fixed internal structure: Choice of models and methods. Russ. J. Phys. Chem.. 65:2548–2552.
Mazur AK.  2001.  Molecular dynamics studies of sequence-directed curvature in bending locus of Trypanosome kinetoplast DNA. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn.. 18:832–843.
Mazur AK.  1984.  Most probable distribution at enzyme depolymerization of polysaccharides. Biopolymers. 23:859–876.
Bezukladnikov P.V, Elyakova L.A, Mazur AK.  1992.  Multiple attack in the mechanism of endoglucanase action. Bioorg. Chem.. 18:1141–1163.
Mazur AK, Nakatani H..  1993.  Multiple attack in the porcine pancreatic alpha-amylase hydrolysis of amylose and amylopectine. Arch. Biochem. Biophys.. 306:29–38.
Kamashev D, Oberto J, Serebryakova M, Gorbachev A, Zhukova Y, Levitsk, ii S, Mazur AK, Govorun V.  2011.  Mycoplasma gallisepticum produces a histone-like protein that recognizes base mismatches in DNA. Biochemistry. 50:8692–8702.
Mazur AK, Abagyan R.A, Elyakov G.B.  1989.  A new approach to the modelling of the structure and dynamics of biomacromolecules and their complexes. Doklady. Biophysics. 304:456–460.
Mazur AK.  1990.  A new method for analysing of kinetic graphs in enzymatic catalysis. Mol. Biol.. 24:209–213.
Mazur AK, Abagyan RA.  1989.  New methodology for computer-aided modelling of biomolecular structure and dynamics: 1. Non-cyclic structures. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn.. 6:815–832.
Abagyan RA, Mazur AK.  1989.  New methodology for computer-aided modelling of biomolecular structure and dynamics: 2. Local deformations and cycles. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn.. 6:833–845.
