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Nguyen PHoang.  2007.  Conformational states and folding pathways of peptides revealed by principal-independent component analyses. Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf.. 67:579–592.
Altis A, Nguyen PHoang, Hegger R, Stock G.  2007.  Dihedral angle principal component analysis of molecular dynamics simulations. J. Chem. Phys.. 126
Botan V, Backus EHG, Pfister R, Moretto A, Crisma M, Toniolo C, Nguyen PHoang, Stock G, Hamm P.  2007.  Energy transport in peptide helices. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.s.a.. 104:12749–12754.
Hegger R, Altis A, Nguyen PHoang, Stock G.  2007.  How complex is the dynamics of peptide folding? Phys. Rev. Lett.. 98
Nguyen PHoang, Li MSuan, Stock G, Straub JE, Thirumalai D..  2007.  Monomer adds to preformed structured oligomers of A beta-peptides by a two-stage dock-lock mechanism. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.s.a.. 104:111–116.
Bocquet N., L. de Carvalho P, Cartaud J., Neyton J., Le Poupon C., Taly A, Grutter T., Changeux J-P, Corringer P.J.  2007.  A prokaryotic proton-gated ion channel from the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor family. Nature. 445:116–119.
Gorbunov RD, Nguyen PHoang, Kobus M, Stock G.  2007.  Quantum-classical description of the amide I vibrational spectrum of trialanine. J. Chem. Phys.. 126
Graf J, Nguyen PHoang, Stock G, Schwalbe H.  2007.  Structure and dynamics of the homologous series of alanine peptides: A joint molecular dynamics/NMR study. J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 129:1179–1189.
Tai K, Baaden M, Murdock S, Wu B, Ng MHong, Johnston S, Boardman R, Fangohr H, Cox K, Essex JW et al..  2007.  Three hydrolases and a transferase: Comparative analysis of active-site dynamics via the BioSimGrid database. Journal of Molecular Graphics \& Modelling. 25:896–902.
