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Nasica-Labouze J, Meli M, Derreumaux P, Colombo G, Mousseau N.  2011.  Characterization of the Aggregation Pathway for a 20-mer of GNNQQNY using Coarse-Grained and All-Atom Representations. Biophys. J.. 100:BiophysSoc.
Kobus M, Nguyen PHoang, Stock G.  2011.  Coherent vibrational energy transfer along a peptide helix. J. Chem. Phys.. 134
Fleishman SJ, Whitehead TA, Strauch E-M, Corn JE, Qin S, Zhou H-X, Mitchell JC, Demerdash ONA, Takeda-Shitaka M, Terashi G et al..  2011.  Community-wide assessment of protein-interface modeling suggests improvements to design methodology.. J. Mol. Biol.. 414:289–302.
Taly A, Colas C., Malliavin T., Blondel A., Nilges M., Corringer P.J, Joseph D..  2011.  Discrimination of agonists versus antagonists of nicotinic ligands based on docking onto AChBP structures. J. Mol. Graph. Model.. 30:100–109.
Nguyen PHoang, Li MSuan, Derreumaux P.  2011.  Effects of all-atom force fields on amyloid oligomerization: replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations of the A beta(16-22) dimer and trimer. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.. 13:9778–9788.
Stock G., Jain A., Riccardi L., Nguyen PHoang.  2011.  Exploring the energy landscape of small peptides and proteins by molecular dynamics simulations.
Nasiripourdori A., Taly V., Grutter T., Taly A.  2011.  From toxins targeting ligand gated ion channels to therapeutic molecules. Toxins (basel). 3:260–293.
Chavent M, Lévy B., Krone M., Bidmon K., Nominé J.P, Ertl T., Baaden M.  2011.  GPU-powered tools boost molecular visualization. Briefings Bioinf.. 12:689–701.
Nasica-Labouze J, Meli M, Derreumaux P, Colombo G, Mousseau N.  2011.  A Multiscale Approach to Characterize the Early Aggregation Steps of the Amyloid-Forming Peptide GNNQQNY from the Yeast Prion Sup-35. Plos Comput. Biol.. 7:e1002051.
Nguyen PH, Staudt H, Wachtveitl J, Stock G.  2011.  Real Time Observation of Ultrafast Peptide Conformational Dynamics: Molecular Dynamics Simulation vs Infrared Experiment. J. Phys. Chem. B. 115:13084–13092.
Sterpone F, Melchionna S.  2011.  Role of packing, hydration and fluctuation on Thermostability. Thermostable Proteins Structural Stability and Design.
Kobus M, Lieder M, Nguyen PHoang, Stock G.  2011.  Simulation of transient infrared spectra of a photoswitchable peptide. J. Chem. Phys.. 135
Nury H., Van Renterghem C., Weng Y., Tran A., Baaden M, Dufresne V., Changeux J.-P., Sonner J.M, Delarue M., Corringer P.-J..  2011.  X-ray structures of general anaesthetics bound to a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel. Nature. 469:428–431.
