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Krieger E., Leger L., Durrieu M.P., Taib N., Bond P., Laguerre M., Lavery R., Sansom M.S.P., Baaden M.  2007.  Atomistic modeling of the membrane-embedded synaptic fusion complex: a grand challenge project on the DEISA HPC infrastructure. ParCo 2007, Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications. 38:729–736.
Krieger E., Leger L., Durrieu M.P., Taib N., Bond P., Laguerre M., Lavery R., Sansom M.S.P., Baaden M.  2007.  Atomistic modeling of the membrane-embedded synaptic fusion complex: a grand challenge project on the DEISA HPC infrastructure. ParCo 2007, Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications. 38:729–736.
Krieger E., Leger L., Durrieu M.P., Taib N., Bond P., Laguerre M., Lavery R., Sansom M.S.P., Baaden M.  2007.  Atomistic modeling of the membrane-embedded synaptic fusion complex: a grand challenge project on the DEISA HPC infrastructure. ParCo 2007, Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications. 38:729–736.
Krieger E., Leger L., Durrieu M.P., Taib N., Bond P., Laguerre M., Lavery R., Sansom M.S.P., Baaden M.  2007.  Atomistic modeling of the membrane-embedded synaptic fusion complex: a grand challenge project on the DEISA HPC infrastructure. ParCo 2007, Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications. 38:729–736.
Sacquin-Mora S, Laforet E, Lavery R.  2007.  Locating the active sites of enzymes using mechanical properties. Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf.. 67:350–359.
Sacquin-Mora S, Laforet E, Lavery R.  2007.  Locating the active sites of enzymes using mechanical properties. Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf.. 67:350–359.
Nguyen PHoang, Li MSuan, Stock G, Straub JE, Thirumalai D..  2007.  Monomer adds to preformed structured oligomers of A beta-peptides by a two-stage dock-lock mechanism. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.s.a.. 104:111–116.
Sacquin-Mora S, Sebban P., Derrien V., Frick B., Lavery R, Alba-Simionesco C..  2007.  Probing the flexibility of the bacterial reaction center: The wild-type protein is more rigid than two site-specific mutants. Biochemistry. 46:14960–14968.
Bocquet N., L. de Carvalho P, Cartaud J., Neyton J., Le Poupon C., Taly A, Grutter T., Changeux J-P, Corringer P.J.  2007.  A prokaryotic proton-gated ion channel from the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor family. Nature. 445:116–119.
Lavery R, Sacquin-Mora S.  2007.  Protein mechanics: a route from structure to function. Journal of Biosciences. 32:891–898.
Liang C, Derreumaux P, Wei G.  2007.  Structure and aggregation mechanism of beta 2-microglobulin (83-99) peptides studied by molecular dynamics Simulations. Biophys. J.. 93:3353–3362.
Baaden M, Lavery R..  2007.  There's plenty of room in the middle: multi-scale modelling of biological systems. :173–195.
