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Calimet N., Simoes M., Changeux J.P, Karplus M., Taly A, Cecchini M..  2013.  A gating mechanism of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.s.a.. 110:E3987–3996.
Calimet N., Simoes M., Changeux J.P, Karplus M., Taly A, Cecchini M..  2013.  A gating mechanism of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.s.a.. 110:E3987–3996.
Calimet N., Simoes M., Changeux J.P, Karplus M., Taly A, Cecchini M..  2013.  A gating mechanism of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.s.a.. 110:E3987–3996.
Dreher M., Piuzzi M., Turki A., Chavent M, Baaden M, Férey N, Limet S., Raffin B., Robert S..  2013.  Interactive Molecular Dynamics: Scaling up to Large Systems.. Procedia Comput. Sci.. 18:20–29.
Cazals F, Dreyfus T, Robert CH.  2013.  Modeling macromolecular complexes: a journey across scales. Modeling in Computational Biology and Biomedicine: A Multidisciplinary Endeavor.
Lopes A, Sacquin-Mora S, Dimitrova V, Laine E, Ponty Y, Carbone A.  2013.  Protein-protein interactions in a crowded environment: an analysis via cross-docking simulations and evolutionary information. Plos Comput. Biol.. 9:e1003369.
Chakravarty D, Guharoy M, Robert CH, Chakrabarti P, Janin J.  2013.  Reassessing buried surface areas in protein-protein complexes.. Protein Sci.. 22:1453–57.
Chakravarty D, Guharoy M, Robert CH, Chakrabarti P, Janin J.  2013.  Reassessing buried surface areas in protein-protein complexes.. Protein Sci.. 22:1453–57.
Sauguet L., Poitevin F., Murail S., Van Renterghem C., Moraga-Cid G., Malherbe L., Thompson A.W, Koehl P., Corringer P.J, Baaden M et al..  2013.  Structural basis for ion permeation mechanism in pentameric ligand-gated ion channels. Embo J.. 32:728–741.
Cazals F., Mueller C., Robert C., Roth A..  2013.  Towards Morse theory for point cloud data.. Inria Tech Reports.
Costa D., Garrain P.A, Baaden M.  2013.  Understanding small biomolecule-biomaterial interactions: a review of fundamental theoretical and experimental approaches for biomolecule interactions with inorganic surfaces. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A. 101:1210–1222.
Taly A, Hénin J, Changeux J-P, Cecchini M.  2014.  Allosteric regulation of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels: An emerging mechanistic perspective. Channels. 8:350–360.
Taly A, Hénin J, Changeux J-P, Cecchini M.  2014.  Allosteric regulation of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels: An emerging mechanistic perspective. Channels. 8:350–360.
Chintapalli SV, Illingworth CJR, Upton GJG, Sacquin-Mora S, Reeves PJ, Mohammedali HS, Reynolds CA.  2014.  Assessing the effect of dynamics on the closed-loop protein-folding hypothesis. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 11:20130935.
Cragnolini T, Laurin Y, Derreumaux P, Pasquali S.  2014.  Coarse-Grain RNA Folding: Towards More Complex Structures. Biophys. J.. 106:283A.
Molza A.E, Férey N, Czjzek M, Le Rumeur E, Hubert J.F, Tek A, Laurent B, Baaden M, Delalande O..  2014.  Innovative interactive flexible docking method for multi-scale reconstruction elucidates dystrophin molecular assembly. Faraday Discuss.. 169:45–62.
Cazals F, Dreyfus T., Mazauric D., Roth A., Robert CH.  2014.  INRIA Tech Report: Conformational ensembles and sampled landscapes: analysis and comparison..
Sterpone F., Melchionna S., Tuffery P, Pasquali S., Mousseau N., Cragnolini T., Chebaro Y, St-Pierre J.-F., Kalimeri M., Barducci A. et al..  2014.  The OPEP protein model: from single molecules, amyloid formation, crowding and hydrodynamics to DNA/RNA systems. Chem. Soc. Rev.. 43:4871–4893.
Sterpone F., Melchionna S., Tuffery P, Pasquali S., Mousseau N., Cragnolini T., Chebaro Y, St-Pierre J.-F., Kalimeri M., Barducci A. et al..  2014.  The OPEP protein model: from single molecules, amyloid formation, crowding and hydrodynamics to DNA/RNA systems. Chem. Soc. Rev.. 43:4871–4893.
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Brunet YR, Hénin J, Celia H, Cascales E.  2014.  Type VI secretion and bacteriophage tail tubes share a common assembly pathway.. Embo Rep.. 15:315–21.
Brunet YR, Hénin J, Celia H, Cascales E.  2014.  Type VI secretion and bacteriophage tail tubes share a common assembly pathway.. Embo Rep.. 15:315–21.
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Cragnolini T, Sutherland-Cash KH, Wales D, Pasquali S, Derreumaux P.  2014.  Wide Exploration of OPEP Protein Energy Landscapes using Advanced Monte Carlo Methods. Biophys. J.. 106:256A.
Cragnolini T, Derreumaux P, Pasquali S.  2015.  Ab initio RNA folding. Journal of Physics-condensed Matter. 27:233102.
