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Cote S, Derreumaux P, Mousseau N.  2011.  Distinct Morphologies for Amyloid Beta Protein Monomer: A beta(1-40), A beta(1-42), and A beta(1-40)(D23N). J. Chem. Theory Comput.. 7:2584–2592.
Catoire L.J, Damian M., Baaden M, Guittet E., Banères J.-L..  2011.  Electrostatically–driven fast association and perdeuteration allow transferred cross–relaxation detection for G protein–coupled receptor ligands with equilibrium dissociation constants in the high–to–low nanomolar range. J Biomolecular Nmr. 50:191–5.
Chavent M, Piuzzi M, Tek A, Baaden M.  2011.  FvNano: A Virtual Laboratory to Manipulate Molecular Systems. 1st IEEE symposium on biological data visualization, Providence, RI @ ieee visweek, 2011, N# 136.
Chavent M, Vanel A., Tek A., Lévy B., Robert S., Raffin B., Baaden M.  2011.  GPU-accelerated atom and dynamic bond visualization using HyperBalls: a unified algorithm for balls, sticks and hyperboloids. J. Comput. Chem.. 32:2924–2935.
Chavent M, Lévy B., Krone M., Bidmon K., Nominé J.P, Ertl T., Baaden M.  2011.  GPU-powered tools boost molecular visualization. Briefings Bioinf.. 12:689–701.
Nasica-Labouze J, Meli M, Derreumaux P, Colombo G, Mousseau N.  2011.  A Multiscale Approach to Characterize the Early Aggregation Steps of the Amyloid-Forming Peptide GNNQQNY from the Yeast Prion Sup-35. Plos Comput. Biol.. 7:e1002051.
Stirnemann G, Castrillon SRomero-Var, Hynes JT, Rossky PJ, Debenedetti PG, Laage D.  2011.  Non-monotonic dependence of water reorientation dynamics on surface hydrophilicity: competing effects of the hydration structure and hydrogen-bond strength. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.. 13:19911.
Cote S, Laghaei R, Derreumaux P, Mousseau N.  2011.  Simulation of the Oligomerization Pathway for Different Alloforms of the Amyloid Beta Protein Related to Alzheimer's Disease. Biophys. J.. 100:401.
Nury H., Van Renterghem C., Weng Y., Tran A., Baaden M, Dufresne V., Changeux J.-P., Sonner J.M, Delarue M., Corringer P.-J..  2011.  X-ray structures of general anaesthetics bound to a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel. Nature. 469:428–431.
Nury H., Van Renterghem C., Weng Y., Tran A., Baaden M, Dufresne V., Changeux J.-P., Sonner J.M, Delarue M., Corringer P.-J..  2011.  X-ray structures of general anaesthetics bound to a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel. Nature. 469:428–431.
Tek A., Laurent B., Piuzzi M., Lu Z., Baaden M, Delalande O., Chavent M, Férey N, Martin C., Piccinali L. et al..  2012.  Advances in Human-Protein Interaction - Interactive And Immersive Molecular Simulations.
Tek A., Laurent B., Piuzzi M., Lu Z., Baaden M, Delalande O., Chavent M, Férey N, Martin C., Piccinali L. et al..  2012.  Advances in Human-Protein Interaction - Interactive And Immersive Molecular Simulations.
Taly A, Charon S.  2012.  $\alpha$7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: a therapeutic target in the structure era. Curr. Drug Targets. 13:695–706.
Chavent M, Baaden M, Hénon E., Antonczak S..  2012.  Bientôt dans votre amphithéâtre, la chimie fera son cinéma. De la bonne utilisation des ressources informatiques pour l’enseignement : visualisation moléculaire, illustration de processus chimiques et de modèles physiques. Actualité Chimique. 363
Chebaro Y, Pasquali S, Derreumaux P.  2012.  The Coarse-Grained OPEP Force Field for Non-Amyloid and Amyloid Proteins. J. Phys. Chem. B. 116:8741–8752.
Cote S, Laghaei R, Derreumaux P, Mousseau N.  2012.  Distinct Dimerization for Various Alloforms of the Amyloid-Beta Protein: A beta(1-40), A beta(1-42), and A beta(1-40)(D23N). J. Phys. Chem. B. 116:4043–4055.
Lemoine D, Jiang R, Taly A, Chataigneau T, Specht A, Grutter T.  2012.  Ligand-gated ion channels: new insights into neurological disorders and ligand recognition. Chem. Rev.. 112:6285–6318.
Laurent B., Murail S., Da Silva F., Corringer P.-J., Baaden M.  2012.  Modeling complex biological systems: From solution chemistry to membranes and channels. Pure Appl. Chem.. ASAP
Prevost M., Sauguet L., Nury H., Van Renterghem C., Huon C., Poitevin F., Baaden M, Delarue M., Corringer P.-J..  2012.  A novel Locally Closed Conformation of a Bacterial Pentameric Proton-gated Ion Channel. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology.
Chebaro Y, Jiang P, Zang T, Mu Y, Nguyen PHoang, Mousseau N, Derreumaux P.  2012.  Structures of A beta 17-42 Trimers in Isolation and with Five Small-Molecule Drugs Using a Hierarchical Computational Procedure. J. Phys. Chem. B. 116:8412–8422.
Peoc'h K, Levavasseur E, Delmont E, Laffont-Proust ADe Simone, Privat N, Chebaro Y, Bedoucha CChapuis Pi, Brandel J-P, Laquerriere A, Hauw J-LKemeny Jea et al..  2012.  Substitutions at residue 211 in the prion protein drive a switch between CJD and GSS syndrome, a new mechanism governing inherited neurodegenerative disorders. Hum. Mol. Genet.. 21:5417–5428.
Jiang R., Taly A, Lemoine D., Martz A., Cunrath O., Grutter T..  2012.  Tightening of the ATP-binding sites induces the opening of P2X receptor channels. Embo J.. 31:2134–2143.
