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Beautrait A, Leroux V, Chavent M, Ghemtio L, Devignes M.-D, Smail-Tabbone M, Cai W, Shao X, Moreau G, Bladon P et al..  2008.  Multiple-step virtual screening using VSM-G: Overview and validation of fast geometrical matching enrichment. J. Mol. Model.. 14:393–401.
Beautrait A, Leroux V, Chavent M, Ghemtio L, Devignes M.-D, Smail-Tabbone M, Cai W, Shao X, Moreau G, Bladon P et al..  2008.  Multiple-step virtual screening using VSM-G: Overview and validation of fast geometrical matching enrichment. J. Mol. Model.. 14:393–401.
Cox K, Bond PJ, Grottesi A, Baaden M, Sansom MSP.  2008.  Outer membrane proteins: comparing X-ray and NMR structures by MD simulations in lipid bilayers. European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters. 37:131–141.
Cox K, Bond PJ, Grottesi A, Baaden M, Sansom MSP.  2008.  Outer membrane proteins: comparing X-ray and NMR structures by MD simulations in lipid bilayers. European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters. 37:131–141.
Sterpone F, Briganti G, Melchionna S, Pierleoni C.  2008.  Pressure-induced core packing and interfacial dehydration in nonionic C12E6 micelle in aqueous solution. Langmuir. 24:6067–71.
Backus EHG, Nguyen PHoang, Botan V, Moretto A, Crisma M, Toniolo C, Zerbe O, Stock G, Hamm P.  2008.  Structural Flexibility of a Helical Peptide Regulates Vibrational Energy Transport Properties. J. Phys. Chem. B. 112:15487–15492.
Backus EHG, Nguyen PHoang, Botan V, Moretto A, Crisma M, Toniolo C, Zerbe O, Stock G, Hamm P.  2008.  Structural Flexibility of a Helical Peptide Regulates Vibrational Energy Transport Properties. J. Phys. Chem. B. 112:15487–15492.
Férey N, Bouyer G., Martin C., Bourdot P., Nelson J., Burkhardt andJM.  2008.  User Needs Analysis to Design a 3D Multimodal Protein-Docking Interface. Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2008 (3DUI 2008 - IEEE). :125–132.
Férey N, Bouyer G., Martin C., Bourdot P., Nelson J., Burkhardt andJM.  2008.  User Needs Analysis to Design a 3D Multimodal Protein-Docking Interface. Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2008 (3DUI 2008 - IEEE). :125–132.
Férey N, Bouyer G., Martin C., Bourdot P., Nelson J., Burkhardt andJM.  2008.  User Needs Analysis to Design a 3D Multimodal Protein-Docking Interface. Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2008 (3DUI 2008 - IEEE). :125–132.
Férey N, Delalande O., Grasseau G., Baaden M.  2008.  A VR Framework for Interacting with Molecular Simulations. Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM-VRST 2008). :91–94.
Krieger E., Leger L., Durrieu M.P., Taib N., Bond P., Laguerre M., Lavery R., Sansom M.S.P., Baaden M.  2007.  Atomistic modeling of the membrane-embedded synaptic fusion complex: a grand challenge project on the DEISA HPC infrastructure. ParCo 2007, Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications. 38:729–736.
Krieger E., Leger L., Durrieu M.P., Taib N., Bond P., Laguerre M., Lavery R., Sansom M.S.P., Baaden M.  2007.  Atomistic modeling of the membrane-embedded synaptic fusion complex: a grand challenge project on the DEISA HPC infrastructure. ParCo 2007, Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications. 38:729–736.
Krieger E., Leger L., Durrieu M.P., Taib N., Bond P., Laguerre M., Lavery R., Sansom M.S.P., Baaden M.  2007.  Atomistic modeling of the membrane-embedded synaptic fusion complex: a grand challenge project on the DEISA HPC infrastructure. ParCo 2007, Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications. 38:729–736.
Botan V, Backus EHG, Pfister R, Moretto A, Crisma M, Toniolo C, Nguyen PHoang, Stock G, Hamm P.  2007.  Energy transport in peptide helices. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.s.a.. 104:12749–12754.
Botan V, Backus EHG, Pfister R, Moretto A, Crisma M, Toniolo C, Nguyen PHoang, Stock G, Hamm P.  2007.  Energy transport in peptide helices. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.s.a.. 104:12749–12754.
Bastard K., Prévost C.  2007.  Flexible macromolecular docking: An overview of recent progress. Recent Research Adv. in Structural BioInformatics:249–274.
Bocquet N., L. de Carvalho P, Cartaud J., Neyton J., Le Poupon C., Taly A, Grutter T., Changeux J-P, Corringer P.J.  2007.  A prokaryotic proton-gated ion channel from the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor family. Nature. 445:116–119.
Bastard K., Prévost C.  2007.  Recent Research Adv. in Structural BioInformatics. :249–274.
Timsit Y, Bombard S..  2007.  The 1.3 A resolution structure of the RNA tridecamer r(GCGUUUGAAACGC): metal ion binding correlates with base unstacking and groove contraction. Rna. 13:2098–2107.
Baaden M, Lavery R..  2007.  There's plenty of room in the middle: multi-scale modelling of biological systems. :173–195.
Tai K, Baaden M, Murdock S, Wu B, Ng MHong, Johnston S, Boardman R, Fangohr H, Cox K, Essex JW et al..  2007.  Three hydrolases and a transferase: Comparative analysis of active-site dynamics via the BioSimGrid database. Journal of Molecular Graphics \& Modelling. 25:896–902.
Tai K, Baaden M, Murdock S, Wu B, Ng MHong, Johnston S, Boardman R, Fangohr H, Cox K, Essex JW et al..  2007.  Three hydrolases and a transferase: Comparative analysis of active-site dynamics via the BioSimGrid database. Journal of Molecular Graphics \& Modelling. 25:896–902.
Brovchenko I, Krukau A, Oleinikova A, Mazur AK.  2007.  Water clustering and percolation in low hydration DNA shells. J. Phys. Chem. B. 111:3258–3266.
