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Delalande O., Férey N, Grasseau G., Baaden M.  2009.  Complex molecular assemblies at hand via interactive simulations. J. Comput. Chem.. 30:2375–2387.
Drevelle A, Urvoas A, Ben Hamida-Rebai M, Van Vooren G, Nicaise M, Valerio-Lepiniec M, Desmadril M, Robert CH, Minard P.  2009.  Disulfide bond substitution by directed evolution in an engineered binding-protein scaffold.. Chembiochem. 10:1349–1359.
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Leprivier G., Baillat D., Begue A., Hartmann B., Aumercier M..  2009.  Ets-1 p51 and p42 isoforms differentially modulate Stromelysin-1 promoter according to induced DNA bend orientation. Nucleic Acids Res.. 37:4341–4352.
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Sterpone F, Bertonati C, Briganti G, Melchionna S.  2009.  Key role of proximal water in regulating thermostable proteins. J. Phys. Chem. B. 113:131–7.
Sterpone F, Bertonati C, Briganti G, Melchionna S.  2009.  Key role of proximal water in regulating thermostable proteins. J. Phys. Chem. B. 113:131–7.
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Sterpone F, Bedard-Hearn MJ, Rossky PJ.  2009.  Nonadiabatic mixed quantum-classical dynamic simulation of pi-stacked oligophenylenevinylenes. J. Phys. Chem. A. 113:3427–30.
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Bocahut A., Bernad S., Sebban P., Sacquin-Mora S.  2009.  Relating the Diffusion of Small Ligands in Human Neuroglobin to Its Structural and Mechanical Properties. J. Phys. Chem. B. 113:16257–16267.
Sterpone F, Briganti G, Pierleoni C.  2009.  Sphere versus cylinder: the effect of packing on the structure of nonionic C12E6 micelles. Langmuir. 25:8960–7.
Bocquet N., Nury H., Baaden M, Le Poupon C., Changeux J.P, Delarue M., Corringer P.J.  2009.  X-ray structure of a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel in an apparently open conformation. Nature. 457:111–114.
Bocquet N., Nury H., Baaden M, Le Poupon C., Changeux J.P, Delarue M., Corringer P.J.  2009.  X-ray structure of a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel in an apparently open conformation. Nature. 457:111–114.
Oleinikova A, Brovchenko I, Krukau A, Mazur AK.  2008.  Anomalous diffusion of ions at the surface of hydrated DNA molecule. Europhys. Lett.. 82:46002.
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Backus EHG, Nguyen PHoang, Botan V, Pfister R, Moretto A, Crisma M, Toniolo C, Stock G, Hamm P.  2008.  Energy transport in peptide helices: A comparison between high- and low-energy excitations. J. Phys. Chem. B. 112:9091–9099.
Férey N, Delalande O., Grasseau G., Baaden M.  2008.  From Interactive to Immersive Molecular Dynamics. Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (VRIPHYS 08 - Eurographics). :89–96.
Kamashev D, Balandina A, Mazur AK, Arimondo PB, Rouviere-Yan, iv J.  2008.  HU binds and folds single-stranded DNA. Nucl. Acids Res.. 36:1026–1036.
Durrieu M-P, Lavery R, Baaden M.  2008.  Interactions between neuronal fusion proteins explored by molecular dynamics. Biophys. J.. 94:3436–3446.
Brovchenko I, Krukau A, Oleinikova A, Mazur AK.  2008.  Ion dynamics and water percolation effects in DNA polymorphism. J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 130:121–131.
Neri M, Baaden M, Carnevale V, Anselmi C, Maritan A, Carloni P.  2008.  Microseconds dynamics simulations of the outer-membrane protease T. Biophys. J.. 94:71–78.
