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Sommer B, Baaden M, Krone M, Woods A.  2018.  From Virtual Reality to Immersive Analytics in Bioinformatics.. J Integr Bioinform. 15(2)
Elbahnsi A, Retureau R, Baaden M, Hartmann B, Oguey C.  2018.  Holding the Nucleosome Together: A Quantitative Description of the DNA-Histone Interface in Solution.. J Chem Theory Comput. 14(2):1045-1058.
Röper J-C, Mitrossilis D, Stirnemann G, Waharte F, Brito I, Fernandez-Sanchez M-E, Baaden M, Salamero J, Farge E.  2018.  The major β-catenin/E-cadherin junctional binding site is a primary molecular mechano-transductor of differentiation .. Elife. 7
Maes A, Martinez X, Druart K, Laurent B, Guégan S, Marchand CH, Lemaire SD, Baaden M.  2018.  MinOmics, an Integrative and Immersive Tool for Multi-Omics Analysis.. J Integr Bioinform. 15(2)
Baaden M, Borthakur MPratim, Casanova S, Coalson R, Freger V, Gonzalez M, Góra A, Hinds B, Hirunpinyopas W, Hummer G et al..  2018.  The modelling and enhancement of water hydrodynamics: general discussion.. Faraday Discuss. 209:273-285.
Kocsis I, Sorci M, Vanselous H, Murail S, Sanders SE, Licsandru E, Legrand Y-M, van der Lee A, Baaden M, Petersen PB et al..  2018.  Oriented chiral water wires in artificial transmembrane channels.. Sci Adv. 4(3):eaao5603.
Trellet M, Férey N, Flotyński J, Baaden M, Bourdot P.  2018.  Semantics for an Integrative and Immersive Pipeline Combining Visualization and Analysis of Molecular Data.. J Integr Bioinform. 15(2)
Baaden M, Barboiu M, Bill RM, Casanova S, Chen C-L, Conner M, Freger V, Gong B, Góra A, Hinds B et al..  2018.  Structure and function of natural proteins for water transport: general discussion.. Faraday Discuss. 209:83-95.
Baaden M, Delalande O, Férey N, Pasquali S, Waldispühl J, Taly A.  2018.  Ten simple rules to create a serious game, illustrated with examples from structural biology.
Murail S, Vasiliu T, Neamtu A, Barboiu M, Sterpone F, Baaden M.  2018.  Water permeation across artificial I-quartet membrane channels: from structure to disorder.. Faraday Discuss. 209:125-148.
De Vecchis D, Cavellini L, Baaden M, Hénin J, Cohen MM, Taly A.  2017.  A membrane-inserted structural model of the yeast mitofusin Fzo1. Sci Rep. 7(1):10217.
Alharbi N, Alharbi M, Martinez X, Krone M, Rose AS, Baaden M, Laramee RS, Chavent M.  2017.  Molecular Visualization of Computational Biology Data: A Survey of Surveys. EuroVis 2017 - Short Papers.
Sterpone F, Doutreligne S, Tran TThuy, Melchionna S, Baaden M, Nguyen PHoang, Derreumaux P.  2017.  Multi-scale simulations of biological systems using the OPEP coarse-grained model.. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.
Nayeem SM, Oteri F, Baaden M, Deep S.  2017.  Residues of Alpha Helix H3 Determine Distinctive Features of Transforming Growth Factor β3.. J Phys Chem B. 121(22):5483-5498.
Lev B, Murail S, Poitevin F, Cromer BA, Baaden M, Delarue M, Allen TW.  2017.  String method solution of the gating pathways for a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114(21):E4158-E4167.
Kozlikova B., Krone M., Falk M., Lindow N., Baaden M, Baum D., Viola I., Parulek J., Hege H.-C..  2017.  Visualization of Biomolecular Structures: State of the Art Revisited: Visualization of Biomolecular Structures. Computer Graphics Forum. 36:178–204.
Mazzanti L, Doutreligne S, Gageat C, Derreumaux P, Taly A, Baaden M, Pasquali S.  2017.  What Can Human-Guided Simulations Bring to RNA Folding? Biophys J. 113(2):302-312.
