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Chebaro Y, Mousseau N, Derreumaux P.  2009.  Structures and Thermodynamics of Alzheimer's Amyloid-beta A beta(16-35) Monomer and Dimer by Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Implication for Full-Length A beta Fibrillation. J. Phys. Chem. B. 113:7668–7675.
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Nguyen PHoang, Mu YG, Stock G.  2005.  Structure and energy landscape of a photoswitchable peptide: A replica exchange molecular dynamics study. Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf.. 60:485–494.
Graf J, Nguyen PHoang, Stock G, Schwalbe H.  2007.  Structure and dynamics of the homologous series of alanine peptides: A joint molecular dynamics/NMR study. J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 129:1179–1189.
Sterpone F, Pierleoni C, Briganti G, Marchi M.  2006.  Structure and dynamics of hydrogen bonds in the interface of a C12E6 spherical micelle in water solution: a MD study at various temperatures. J. Phys. Chem. B. 110:18254–61.
Liang C, Derreumaux P, Wei G.  2007.  Structure and aggregation mechanism of beta 2-microglobulin (83-99) peptides studied by molecular dynamics Simulations. Biophys. J.. 93:3353–3362.
Röder K, Stirnemann G, Dock-Bregeon A-C, Wales DJ, Pasquali S.  2020.  Structural transitions in the RNA 7SK 5' hairpin and their effect on HEXIM binding. Nucleic Acids Res. 48:373-389.
Lu Y, Wei G, Derreumaux P.  2012.  Structural, thermodynamical, and dynamical properties of oligomers formed by the amyloid NNQQ peptide: Insights from coarse-grained simulations. J. Chem. Phys.. 137:025101.
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Mo Y, Lu Y, Wei G, Derreumaux P.  2009.  Structural diversity of the soluble trimers of the human amylin(20-29) peptide revealed by molecular dynamics simulations. J. Chem. Phys.. 130:125101.
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Floquet N, Hery-Huynh S, Dauchez M, Derreumaux P, Tamburro AM, Alix AJP.  2004.  Structural characterization of VGVAPG, an elastin-derived peptide. Biopolymers. 76:266–280.
Zirah S, Kozin SA, Mazur AK, Blond A, Cheminant M, Segalas-Milazzo I, Debey P, Rebuffat S.  2006.  Structural changes of region 1-16 of the Alzheimer disease amyloid beta-peptide upon zinc binding and in vitro aging. J. Biol. Chem.. 281:2151–2161.
Montagna M, Sterpone F, Guidoni L.  2012.  Structural and Spectroscopic Properties of Water around Small Hydrophobic Solutes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 116:11695–11700.
De Simone A, Zagari A, Derreumaux P.  2007.  Structural and hydration properties of the partially unfolded states of the prion protein. Biophys. J.. 93:1284–1292.
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Chakraborty D, Taly A, Sterpone F.  2015.  Stay Wet, Stay Stable? How Internal Water Helps the Stability of Thermophilic Proteins The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 119:12760–12770.
Mazur AK.  2008.  Statistics of time-limited ensembles of bent DNA conformations. J. Phys. Chem. B. 112:4975–4982.
Ngo STung, Nguyen PHoang, Derreumaux P.  2020.  Stability of Aβ11-40 Trimers with Parallel and Antiparallel β-Sheet Organizations in a Membrane-Mimicking Environment by Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Simulation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
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Katava M, Kalimeri M, Stirnemann G, Sterpone F.  2016.  Stability and Function at High Temperature. What Makes a Thermophilic GTPase Different from Its Mesophilic Homologue. J. Phys. Chem. B. 120:2721–2730.
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