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Lu Y, Shi X-F, Nguyen PHoang, Sterpone F, Jr FRSalsbury, Derreumaux P.  2019.  Amyloid-β (29–42) Dimeric Conformations in Membranes Rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 123:2687–2696.
Sacquin-Mora S.  2019.  Coarse-grain simulations on NMR conformational ensembles highlight functional residues in proteins.. J R Soc Interface. 16(156):20190075.
Bou-Nader C, Pecqueur L, Barraud P, Fontecave M, Tisné C, Sacquin-Mora S, Hamdane D.  2019.  Conformational Stability Adaptation of a Double-Stranded RNA-Binding Domain to Transfer RNA Ligand.. Biochemistry. 58(20):2463-2473.
Tung NThanh, Derreumaux P, Vu VV, Nam PCam, Ngo STung.  2019.  C-Terminal Plays as the Possible Nucleation of the Self-Aggregation of the S-Shape Aβ Tetramer in Solution: Intensive MD Study.. ACS Omega. 4(6):11066-11073.
Alvarez J, Irrmann O, Djaouti D, Taly A, Rampnoux O, Sauvé L.  2019.  Design games and game design: Relations between design, codesign and serious games in adult education. From UXD to LivXD: Living eXperience Design. :229–253.
Laage D, Stirnemann G.  2019.  Effect of Ions on Water Dynamics in Dilute and Concentrated Aqueous Salt Solutions. J Phys Chem B. 123:3312-3324.
Man VHoang, He X, Derreumaux P, Ji B, Xie X-Q, Nguyen PHoang, Wang J.  2019.  Effects of all-atom molecular mechanics force fields on amyloid peptide assembly: the case of aβ16–22 dimer. Journal of chemical theory and computation. 15:1440–1452.
Zaffagnini M, Marchand CH, Malferrari M, Murail S, Bonacchi S, Genovese D, Montalti M, Venturoli G, Falini G, Baaden M et al..  2019.  Glutathionylation primes soluble glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase for late collapse into insoluble aggregates.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 116(51):26057-26065.
Barboiu M, Kumar M, Baaden M, Gale PA, Hinds BJ.  2019.  Highlights from the Faraday Discussion on Artificial Water Channels, Glasgow, UK.. Chem Commun (Camb). 55(27):3853-3858.
Man VHoang, Li MSuan, Wang J, Derreumaux P, Nguyen PHoang.  2019.  Interaction mechanism between the focused ultrasound and lipid membrane at the molecular level. The Journal of chemical physics. 150:215101.
Esmenjaud J-B, Stroebel D, Chan K, Grand T, David M, Wollmuth LP, Taly A, Paoletti P.  2019.  An inter-dimer allosteric switch controls NMDA receptor activity. The EMBO journal. 38
Mattei C, Taly A, Soualah Z, Saulais O, Henrion D, Guérineau NC, Verleye M, Legros C.  2019.  Involvement of the GABAA receptor α subunit in the mode of action of etifoxine. Pharmacological research. 145:104250.
Maiocchi P., Derreumaux P, Sterpone F., Melchionna S..  2019.  Mesoscale biosimulations within a unified framework: from proteins to plasmids. Molecular Simulation. :1-12.
Brandner AF, Timr S, Melchionna S, Derreumaux P, Baaden M, Sterpone F.  2019.  Modelling lipid systems in fluid with Lattice Boltzmann Molecular Dynamics simulations and hydrodynamics. Scientific Reports. 9:16450.
Martinez X, Krone M, Alharbi N, Rose AS, Laramee RS, O'Donoghue S, Baaden M, Chavent M.  2019.  Molecular Graphics: Bridging Structural Biologists and Computer Scientists.. Structure. 27(11):1617-1623.
Taly A, Nitti F, Baaden M, Pasquali S.  2019.  Molecular modelling as the spark for active learning approaches for interdisciplinary biology teaching. Interface focus. 9:20180065.
De Vecchis D, Brandner A, Baaden M, Cohen MM, Taly A.  2019.  A molecular perspective on mitochondrial membrane fusion: from the key players to oligomerization and tethering of mitofusin. The Journal of membrane biology. 252:293–306.
Chiricotto M, Melchionna S, Derreumaux P, Sterpone F.  2019.  Multiscale Aggregation of the Amyloid Aβ16–22 Peptide: From Disordered Coagulation and Lateral Branching to Amorphous Prefibrils. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 10:1594-1599.
Man VHoang, Li MSuan, Wang J, Derreumaux P, Nguyen PHoang.  2019.  Nonequilibrium atomistic molecular dynamics simulation of tubular nanomotor propelled by bubble propulsion. The Journal of chemical physics. 151:024103.
