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Fu Z, Luo Y, Derreumaux P, Wei G.  2009.  Induced beta-Barrel Formation of the Alzheimer’s A beta 25-35 Oligomers on Carbon Nanotube Surfaces: Implication for Amyloid Fibril Inhibition. Biophys. J.. 97:1795–1803.
Fu Z, Luo Y, Derreumaux P, Wei G.  2009.  Induced beta-barrel formation of the Alzheimer's Abeta25-35 oligomers on carbon nanotube surfaces: implication for amyloid fibril inhibition.. Biophys. J.. 97:1795–1803.
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Lu Y, Shi X-F, Salsbury FR, Derreumaux P.  2018.  Influence of electric field on the amyloid-β(29-42) peptides embedded in a membrane bilayer.. J Chem Phys. 148(4):045105.
Danilowicz C, Vietorisz E, Godoy-Carter V, Prévost C, Prentiss M.  2021.  Influences of ssDNA-RecA Filament Length on the Fidelity of Homologous Recombination. Journal of Molecular Biology. 433:167143.
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