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Tek A., Laurent B., Piuzzi M., Lu Z., Baaden M, Delalande O., Chavent M, Férey N, Martin C., Piccinali L. et al..  2012.  Advances in Human-Protein Interaction - Interactive And Immersive Molecular Simulations.
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Baaden M, Barboiu M, Borthakur MPratim, Chen C-L, Coalson R, Davis J, Freger V, Gong B, Hélix-Nielsen C, Hickey R et al..  2018.  Applications to water transport systems: general discussion.. Faraday Discuss. 209:389-414.
Baaden M, Barboiu M, Bill RM, Chen C-L, Davis J, Di Vincenzo M, Freger V, Fröba M, Gale PA, Gong B et al..  2018.  Biomimetic water channels: general discussion.. Faraday Discuss. 209:205-229.
Sacquin-Mora S.  2016.  Bridging Enzymatic Structure Function via Mechanics: A Coarse-Grain Approach. Methods in Enzymology. :227–248.
Parody-Morreale A., Robert C.H, Gill S.J.  1987.  Calorimetric analysis of oxygen binding to lobster hemocyanin. Invertebrate Oxygen Carriers.
Smith JC, Cournia Z, Taly A, Tournier AL, Mihailescu D, G Ullmann M.  2004.  Conformational transitions in proteins and membranes. Novel Approaches to the Structure and Dynamics of Liquids: Experiments, Theories and Simulations. :485–502.
Stock G., Jain A., Riccardi L., Nguyen PHoang.  2011.  Exploring the energy landscape of small peptides and proteins by molecular dynamics simulations.
Bastard K., Prévost C.  2007.  Flexible macromolecular docking: An overview of recent progress. Recent Research Adv. in Structural BioInformatics:249–274.
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Kalimeri M, Melchionna S, Sterpone F.  2013.  Inquiring Protein Thermostability: Is Resistance to Temperature Stress a Rigidity/Flexibility Trade-off? Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems 2012.
Baaden M, Berny F., Muzet N., Troxler L., Wipff G..  2000.  Interfacial features of assisted liquid-liquid extraction of uranyl and cesium salts: a molecular dynamics investigation. ACS Symposium Series 757. :71–85.
Mazur AK.  2001.  Internal coordinate simulation method. Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics. :115–131.
Cazals F, Dreyfus T, Robert CH.  2013.  Modeling macromolecular complexes: a journey across scales. Modeling in Computational Biology and Biomedicine: A Multidisciplinary Endeavor.
Baaden M, Borthakur MPratim, Casanova S, Coalson R, Freger V, Gonzalez M, Góra A, Hinds B, Hirunpinyopas W, Hummer G et al..  2018.  The modelling and enhancement of water hydrodynamics: general discussion.. Faraday Discuss. 209:273-285.
Khalid S., Baaden M.  2010.  Molecular dynamics studies of outer membrane proteins : a story of barrels. :225–247.
Decker H., Robert C.H, Gill S.J.  1987.  Nesting- An extension of the MWC model and its application to tarantula hemocyanin. Invertebrate Oxygen Carriers.
Nguyen PHoang, Hamm P., Stock G..  2009.  Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation of photoinduced energy flow in peptides: theory meets experiment.
Timsit Y, Allemand F, C C, Springer M.  2008.  Order-disorder transitions in ribosome assembly. Ribosomal proteins,.
Timr S., Madern D., Sterpone F..  2020.  Protein thermal stability. Computational Approaches for Understanding Dynamical Systems: Protein Folding and Assembly.
Saladin A, Prévost C.  2010.  Protein-Protein Docking. Protein-Protein Complexes. Analysis, Modeling and Drug Design. :147–181.
Bastard K., Prévost C.  2007.  Recent Research Adv. in Structural BioInformatics. :249–274.
Miteva MA, Robert CH, Marechal J.D, Perahia D.  2011.  Receptor Flexibility in Ligand Docking and Virtual Screening.. In-silico lead discovery.
